Combating erosion at the Waterberg Wilderness valley and dragonflies as indicators for a healthy freshwater ecosystem. If dragonflies are absent from a water body, the potential issues may be water contamination due to pesticides, excessive nutrients from agriculture...
In mid-May, poachers trespassed the Ghaub nature reserve and killed a rhino cow. The horns were hacked off and stolen … In the early afternoon of May 16, a group of rhinos was grazing in an open area of the savannah – two cows with their two 13-month-old...
Experiencing rhinos in the wild – up close. At Ghaub Nature Reserve in the Otavi Mountains or at Waterberg Wilderness in Namibia’s central north. Nature conservation is expensive. A total of 24 guards are responsible for the protection of the diverse fauna at...
Not Corona, but rather the sensational rain was the dominant theme in Namibia in the first few weeks of 2021. Video clips of rushing riviere (dry rivers) were circulating on WhatsApp. At one of ONE’s partner lodges, a river turned the last few meters of the...
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